Performances 2013 & 2014
Monday 14th December 2015 - We finished our year by performing at Rayleigh Primary School. It was truly lovely to perform 4 Christmas songs for them, expecially as they had also been working hard in learning "Merry Christmas Everone". Well done to all the children for joining in and being such a great audience.
Saturday 12th December 2015 - We were delighted to be invited to perform again at Sainsbury, Canvey Island. Always such a warm welcome awaits us from all the staff and customers. We performed our Christmas songs for an hour whilst money was being raised for the Alzheimers Society - a great cause. We look forward to returning next year!
Saturday 21st November 2015 - A fantastic crowd gathered today to see us perform at the Hockley Christmas Lights. Always one of our favourite performances of the year - and it didn't disappoint! A very cold afternoon but at least it stayed dry! And it was lovely to get everyone in the Christmas spirit bny performing 4 our our favourite Christmas songs!
Sunday 18th October 2015 - 2 amazing shows today at The Freight House, Rochford where we raised another £2,256 for Essex Deaf Children's Society. 14 songs in each performance - with lots of new songs, and a few "old favourites" too. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch - fantastic audiences at both performances. Our thank, as always to Paul Newbury from EDCS who gave an amazing speech and explained how the money has truly helped Deaf children and their families across Essex. Every choir member came away tired, but very happy! Now we start to prepare for our Christmas performances!
Sunday 6th September 2015 - 20 choir members today performed at "The Big Event" at Southend, Priory Park. The sun shone on this glorious day and it was so fantastic to be able to take part and perform to so many people. It was also an extra special event to us as, whilst not part of our choir, the Vintage Tea Room raised nearly £1,000 from the sale of their tea and cakes. All money was donated to the Elizabeth Loury ward, Southend Hospital which is where the husband of one of our choir members sadly passed away from Leukemia in August this year - well done to all those involved. We came away on a "high", having enjoyed every minute - and we hope our audience did too! It's amazing what One Direction can do to cheer you up!
Wednesday 24th June 2015 - 18 members performed at Glebe Primary School, Rayleigh today. It was fantastic to return as Glebe School was our first ever school visit when we were formed back in 2011. 8 members of our choir also work at the school so it was an extra special moment for them too. The children were amazing - they sang and signed their way along to our 4 songs and really did enter into the spirit of our visit. We hope to go back soon as it is a very special school to Hands 4 Voices.
Saturday 6th June 2015 - Today we performed in Sainsburys, Rayleigh and helped the shoppers make their trip more enjoyable! We performed 6 songs, had a well deserved break, and then went on to perform the songs again. We were pleased to be joined by some members of the Southend Junior Phab club - and were delighted to have raised £154.40 for this amazing charity. Thank you to all who came along to watch and show your support.
Wednesday 13th May 2015 - We were thrilled to be asked to perform at the "Who Will Care Awards" in Colchester this evening. A very special evening celebrating some amazing volunteers across Essex. Unfortunately, due to an accident on our main route there, many members were running late (despite having left extremely early!) so our perfomance was a little disjointed as, after every song, more me,bers arrived to join us! BUT, saying that, it was still an amazing perfomance and an event at which we were delighted to be part of. Let's hope there are no broken down cars next year!!
Saturday 25th April 2015 - We were so delighted to take part in the first ever Signing Choir festival which was held in Lowestoft this year. 9 signing choirs took part and it was absolutely amazing to watch. Hands 4 Voices perfomed to "Don't Stop Me Now" and "The World's Greatest" and we loved being part of the event. A long day but worth every minute. Congratulations go to all choirs who took part and we thank the Lowestoft Signing Choir for arranging such a fanastic event.
Sunday 14th December 2014 - Today was our big show day. Approximately 360 people came along to watch us perform over 2 shows and what an amzing time we had. A mixture of Christmas and other songs and some great audience participation too, including the children joining us with "Let it Go" and everyone attempting "12 Days Of Christmas". Paul Newbury from the Essex Deaf Children's Society (EDCS) kindly gave a speech at each show to explain how the fundraising has helped in the past and will help in the future. And to top it all, we raised an amazing £2,200 which will all be donated to EDCS which brings our total donations to them over the past 2 years to almost £11,000. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us and for helping us to raise so much money.
Saturday 13th December 2014 - 14 choir members performed in Sainsburys, Canvey Island today and wow, what an impact we made! Shoppers stopped in their tracks, staff and customers danced and sang along and lots of money was raised for Phab, Canvey Island. An event which we loved being part of and we hope to be able to return next year.
Saturday 6th December 2014 - Today we performed at the Fairways Primary School Christmas fete. This has to be the coldest we have ever been but we managed to get through it before our fingers froze up! It was lovely to be invited and great to be part of their first ever Christmas fete.
Thursday 4th December 2014 - Hands 4 Voices performed today as part of the Discovery festival in Chelmsford. We performed a range of songs including some Christmas ones to get the shoppers into the mood for their Christmas shopping! A really great time was had by all!
Saturday 22nd November 2014 - Over 30 of our choir members were delighted to perform at the Hockely Christmas Lights again this year, helping to get people of Hockley into the festive spirit. A new stage was provided this year which meant, unfortunately, many of our members could not be seen so I do apologise for that. However, I have a cunning plan for next year which should improve things! Thank you to those who came along to watch - we loved our performance and hope you did too.
Wednesday 22nd October 2014 - Today 12 members of the choir visited Hinguar Primary School in Shoeburyness. I think it is fair to say that they were one of the loudest audiences we have ever had! They were brilliant with joining in with the signing and singing - and especially amazing at joining in with "Happy". Thanks for invitng us Hinguar!
Sunday 6th July 2014 - Today we held our Summer show in front of over 350 people. A fantastic day which everyone in the audience loved - especially when we asked them to join in with "Walking On Sunshine"!! It was fantastic to have Paul Newbury, Chairman of EDCS, with us to let everyone know how our donations help Deaf children and their families across Essex. And to top it all, or largest ever amount was raised - a massive total of £2235 which we are delighted to donate to EDCS. An extra special day is this means that we have now raised just over £10,000 in 3 years which is just amazing.
Friday 20th June 2014 - Hands 4 Voices were so pleased to visit Bournes Green Junior School today and perform for the children and staff. We signed to 5 popular songs - and the children joined in from start to finish! They sang along to their favourites and signed along too. A definite favourite being "Roar!"
Sunday 15th June 2014 - 25 choir members joined the Salvation Army in Rayleigh for their afternoon service. It was lovely to be able to perform some songs and show how music can be enjoyed by community members in many different ways.
Friday 9th May 2014 - 15 of the Hands 4 Voices choir performed in the Atrium in Chelmsford High Street today. A brilliant venue where people from the offices all gathered round to watch us, as well as passers by who were doing their shopping or popping in to the library! Thanks ACL Essex for inviting us - we hope we can come back soon!