Performances 2011 to 2013

Saturday 21st December- A brilliant end to the Hands 4 Voices year as we performed at the Essex Deaf Children's Society Christmas party. It was fantastic that so many childnre joined and and just brilliant to know that the money we have donated to them this year had helped them put on such an amazing event for the children and their families. We are so pleased to continue to support them in 2014.

Saturday 14th December - Our first performance in Southend High Street was a great success. As part of the "Choirs For Christmas" event, the shoppers had no idea what to expect. But we soon grabbed their attention and stopped them in their shopping tracks (!!!) as they stood to watch. Performing 5 Christmas songs got all of them in the mood for the festive season - but we were glad to put our gloves on at the end!!

Sunday 8th December 2013 - An amazing day as we performed 2 shows to a total audience of about 360 people. 15 songs at each perfomance after 6 months of hard work, practise and rehearsals. But it was worth it all as we watched both audiences stand and cheer when we finished - and brilliant that so many people joined in with us. And if that wasn't enough, we also raised our biggest amount ever of £2169 which we have donated between the Essex Deaf Children's Society and Southend Junior Phab Club. Thank you to everyone who came along - a brilliant way to end our year.

Saturday 23rd November 2013 - A brilliant atmosphere as we performed at the turning on of the Hockley Christms Lights. A really lovely event where we so pleased to perform 5 Christmas songs - and not a rain drop or snow flake in sight!! We can't wait to go back next year!

Sunday 10th November 2013 - Today we performed at the Christmas Shopping Event held at The Mill Hall in Rayleigh. A great event where we perfomed 5 songs which helped to get evryone into the Christms spirit! And all helping to raise money for havens Hospices.

Sunday 14th July 2013 - Our Summer Show was held today and we raised an amazing £2142.50 which is our record so far. Brilliant speeches by representatives of the Southend Junior Phab Club and EDCS to whom the money will go to. 2 fantastic audiences totalling over 380 people who both gave us standing ovations. A very hot day but a brilliant one! Thanks to everyone who came along and helped to make this another amazing day.

Sunday 30th June 2013 - Hands 4 Voices performed at the Family Shopping Event held at the Mill Hall, Rayleigh. The main hall was filled with stall holders selling a wide range of products with funds being donated to Fairhavens Hospice. We performed 6 songs, starting with "Walking On Sunshine" and ending on "Shine" - very appropriate considering the scorching sunshine outside!

Wednesday 8th May 2013 - 33 members of the choir travelled to London to perform at The Shine Exhibition which was held at The Photographers Gallery near Oxford Circus. An amazing event which was attended by over 200 people. We performed 2 songs to an audience of children, adults, deaf and hearing - a truly wonderful event which we were honoured and proud to be part of.

Tuesday 7th May 2013 - As part of Deaf Awareness Week, the choir performed to the children of MildMay Junior School in Chelmsford, Essex. A really wonderful school where we were made to feel so welcome. The children and staff were fantastic and joined in with our final song. It was a great way of showing the children how Deaf people have access to music. After our performance, we were invited to meet the deaf children in the Resource Base - they were wonderful. Very shy at first but then they individually stood up and introduced themselves to us. A great start to Deaf Awareness Week.

Wednesday 24th April 2013 - 27 of the choir went to along to perform at the Phab Junior Club in Leigh. A great group of children and adults who were so excited by our second visit to them. This time, lots of the children had been practising so they could join in with one of our songs and what a great job they did! The Phab Club is one of our chosen charities this year so it was amazing to go along and meet everyone involved - let's hope we can raise lots of money for them in our July and December shows.

Friday 22nd March 2013 - Fifteen of the Hands 4 Voices choir went along to Robert Drake School in Thundersley to perform some of our songs. The school hall was full of both children and staff - and they were brilliant! Right from the start, the children sang along and copied some of the signing and did a fantastic job. The teachers were brilliant too! We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and it was great to be able to "spread the word" even more about access to music for Deaf people.

Sunday December 9th 2012 - Hands 4 Voices performed in 2 shows to a total of over 340 people. An amazing time was had by everyone in the audience and those in the choir. We particularly loved it when the children came out to join in with "Mistletoe & Wine". It was also wonderful when we had "audience participation" with everyone joining in with "Merry Christmas Everybody". And to top it all, we raised an amazing £1561.70 which is being donated to the Essex Deaf Children's Society. Our thanks also goes to Paul Newbury, Chairman of EDCS, who took the time to speak about how the money is helping deaf children across Essex.

Saturday 24th November 2012Hands 4 Voices performed at the turn on of the Hockley Christmas lights. It had been pouring with rain all day but luckily for us, it stopped just as we started to perform! We performed 4 Christmas songs which were enjoyed by everyone watching - and by the choir members taking part. And we are so pleased to say that we have already been asked if we can go back in 2013!

Sunday 15th July 2012 - The choir performed two shows at the Freight House in Rochford today. Two audiences totalling around 330 people and £1340 raised for Essex Deaf Childrens Society - an amazing afternoon which ended in a standing ovation for the choir (and quite a few of the audience crying too!). Thank you to everyone who came along to give their support and for all your fantastic comments afterwards. 

Sunday 24th June2012 - Today the choir performed 5 of their songs at the Grove Wood Primary School Summer Fete. It was our first outdoor performance which certainly caused a few problems - most of all the strong winds! Luckily enough one of our youngest fans was there to help hold the music stand for us - thanks Ben! About 10 minutes after our performance ended, torrential rain arrived so we were vey grateful to have missed that! It was a pleasure to be part of the Summer Fete and hope that we have gone some way towards helping to raise some money for the school.

Wednesday 23rd May 2012 - Hands 4 Voices visited West Leigh Infant School today. 12 of the choir members did 2 performances to 2 separate groups of children and teachers. Each group sang and signed along, with "Firework" being a definite favourite! One of the children afterwards said we were "wicked" .....which is indeed a great compliment! It was also lovely holding a Question and Answer session with them afterwards - some really good questions which showed they really had an interest in what Hands 4 Voices are all about.

Wednesday 16th May 2012 - 25 choir members visited the Southend Junior Phab Club in Leigh. A fantastic place where children mix and play together regardless of age or disability. We loved performing 5 of our songs for them and it was wonderful to receive such lovely comments from them afterwards. We hope to visit again nearer Christmas time!

Friday 30th March 2012 - 13 Hands 4 Voices members performed at GroveWood Primary School in Rayleigh. It was our biggest audience ever with over 500 children and staff there to see us - nerve wracking but fantastic! The children sang and signed along with us - it was a truly magical atmosphere and one which the Hands 4 Voices members won't forget in a very long time.

Wednesday 28th March 2012 - 15 Hands 4 Voices members performed at Cedar Hall School in Thundersely. It was great to hear the children singing along to the songs and even better to see some joining in with some of the signs. A great way to show us performing some of our new songs.

Sunday 18th December 2011 - 2 performances held at Hockley Community Centre, raising £740 for the Unit For Hearing Impaired, Glebe Infant School, Rayleigh. A total of over 240 people came along to watch our mix of Christmas and other songs.

Thursday 30th November 2011 - 14 members of the Hands 4 Voices Choir performed to the children of Glebe Infant School, Rayleigh. A fantastic welcome from all the children who really enjoyed joining in with the songs and signs we performed.

Friday 23rd September 2011 - The first ever Hands 4 Voices performance. Held at the Hockley Community Centre and with over 150 people coming along to watch, it was an amazing "first night" for everyone involved. Raising over £300 for the Unit for Hearing Impaired, Glebe Infant School, Rayleigh.